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Key Stage 3

Geography is core for all students at KS3. We aim to both inform and engage our students in order to produce well-informed citizens for our future.  In addition to interesting and varied lessons, we conduct a variety of local fieldwork prior to GCSE.  Our KS3 curriculum offers both depth and breadth regarding a range of geographical topics from Tropical Rainforests to Development and from Antarctica to Map Skills.

You can read more about our Key Stage Curriculum here:  Key Stage 3 Geography Curriculum

Key Stage 4 (GCSE)

We aim to inspire our GCSE students to achieve their potential.  As international links become closer, easier and faster, we need more than ever to understand the geography of our world.  GCSE geography develops students’ knowledge and understanding through a wide variety of topics and also via the skills that employers require. 

Topics are split between human, physical and fieldwork.  We also conduct residential trips abroad, most recently vis

Geography is one of the most exciting subjects to study at A Level.  We live in an interdependent world caught up in chains of events, which span the globe. We depend upon an increasingly fragile physical environment, whose complex interactions require sophisticated analysis and sensitive management. Our A Level students are frequently very successful and many go onto study Geography or associated courses at university.

Key Stage 5 (A-Level Geography)

Our A Level course is both varied and fascinating and tests a wide range of skills.  The full A Level sees a broader scope, bringing in Superpower Geographies and the Carbon and Water cycles as well as a NEA Fieldwork project.   You can read more about geography A-level on our Sixth Form pages: here