Welcome to Your Sixth Form
At Sacred Heart Sixth Form, we combine passion for the education of girls and young women with a commitment to world class excellence, to equip our students for the challenges of 21st century life. You will find here, outstanding teaching, learning and pastoral care. Our staff are prepared to give generously of their time and expertise to support you in achieving the very best that you are capable of, leading to outstanding results for all.
The Supplementary Information booklet outlines some of the opportunities you can benefit from beyond the day to day work of the classroom. Your time in the Sixth Form will fly, but if you make wise choices, you will have the opportunity to build a strong foundation for all that you want to do and achieve in the future.
All students follow a programme of elective study modules to support their main A Level studies. In addition, SHHS offers a wide range of weekly internal and external enrichment opportunities. Summer schools, conferences, courses and local school holiday opportunities are also offered to pupils
Enrichment activities include:
- Community Volunteering
- Extended Project (EPQ)
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Graded Music and Lamda exams
In addition, a wide range of trips are organised throughout the school year, along with external speakers, collapsed PSHE days, Core RE days, and Higher Education visits. This enrichment model allows high-quality enrichment to develop and promote students’ depth and breadth in learning. Individual subjects will also offer a range of enrichment activities . All students will be expected to participate in the Sixth Form Community Service Programme.