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Welcome to Sacred Heart High School


 Welcome to Sacred Heart High School


School Newsletter

From The Heart

Headteacher's Newsletter July 2024

Latest News

  • Snow Update

    Dec 1222/12/12 07:06:33
  • Planned Tube Strike, Thursday 10 November

    Nov 922/11/09 07:50:09
  • Death of Queen Elizabeth 11

    Sep 1222/09/12 00:00:00
  • GCSE Results 2022

    Aug 2522/08/25 13:08:02
  • A-Level and BTEC Results 2022

    Aug 1822/08/18 15:52:09
  • This afternoon we received recognition as a 'Healthy Relationships Champion School'. The best relationships education comes from the whole school working in partnership to champion healthy relationships and prevent gender-based violence. #shhshammersmith @TenderUK @LDN_VRU
  • The RE-SET prog. ‘believes that the best relationships education comes from the whole school working in partnership to champion healthy relationships & prevent gender-based violence’. Our trained student RE-SET ambassadors are sharing what they have learnt across the school.
  • It took some brain power, but our students have cracked the #GCHQChristmasChallenge We wish everyone @GCHQ a very merry Christmas!
  • Last few days to book tickets! Bravery in abundance!
  • Our Christmas gifts safely delivered to support the work of the Catholic Children's Society @CathChildW Thank you to all of our students, parents and staff for your generosity.
  • Alumnae Stephanie Frackowiak kindly came back to tell sixth formers about her experience of working in the technology sector and what its like to work for a startup.
  • Please see the news article linked below about our recent students vs teachers football match -part of the school's First Give project. @shhshammersmith
  • This afternoon we received recognition as a 'Healthy Relationships Champion School'. The RE-SET (Relationships Education: School's Equality Toolkit) Programme 'believes that the best relationships education comes from the whole school working in partnership to champion healthy relationships and prevent gender-based violence' As part of the programme, RE:SET supports our pupils to learn safely, thrive as individuals and create future communities committed to respectful and equal relationships. We are proud to announce that our RE-SET ambassadors have completed their training and are now sharing what they have learnt across the school , in form time across different year groups and through the bespoke displays they have created. They will continue their work through future projects into the new year . Well Done ! #shhshammersmith @tenderuk @LDN_VRU
  • The RE-SET ( Relationships Education: School's Equality Toolkit) Programme 'believes that the best relationships education comes from the whole school working in partnership to champion healthy relationships and prevent gender-based violence' As part of the programme, RE:SET supports our pupils to learn safely, thrive as individuals and create future communities committed to respectful and equal relationships. We are proud to announce that our RE-SET ambassadors have completed their training and are now sharing what they have learnt across the school , in form time across different year groups and through the bespoke displays they have created. They will continue their work through future projects into the new year . Well Done ! #shhshammersmith
  • Sacred Heart High School Hammersmith in The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2025 to the UK's highest achieving schools (includes state schools, grammar schools and private schools). #shhshammersmith
  • Last night, Sacred Heart hosted the Sixth Form Debate Shield in our new Bute Hall. The Sixth Form students were competing against St Paul's Boys' and Radnor House. Huge congratulations go to Milan and Ela who won the trophy with impassioned speeches. Many thanks to Julian Bell and Debating For Everyone for facilitating. #shhshammersmith
  • Inspiring visit from our Olympic Bronze Medal winning alumna, Georgia Bell (1500m). She spoke in assemblies to Yrs 11, 13 & 7 and also attended a separate meeting for Q&A will a large selected group of students with a keen interest in sport. @georgiabellathlete #shhshammersmith

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