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Historical Presentation, Wed 26 June2024

We are opening the school for an historical evening, with ticket sales contributing to our Cloister Paintings Restoration Fund. 

There will be a talk starting at 7pm about the extraordinary history of our site at 212 Hammersmith Road from 1669 to the present day. A tale that involves the Catholic wives of Protest Kings supporting a clandestine convent at a time when it was illegal to be Catholic. Direct links from the Gunpowder Plot to the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution; and to the extraordinary fortitude of the nuns who lived and worked here with occasional spells in gaol, the threat of execution and even an armed raid by militia.   

We invite not only our school community, including alumnae, but also local residents and others who may be interested.  Come and listen to what happened here with drinks afterwards, and an opportunity to wander through our chapel, the cloisters and cloister gardens, the reception room (with historical artefacts on display) and our front lawn, from which you can see the Benedictine memorial stones which were the catalyst for this research.

Further details about the event and tickets (£10) are available through Eventbrite

You can read more about our restoration fund here: Sacred Heart High School Hammersmith - Cloister Paintings Restoration Fund.  The webpage focusses on our Stage 2 fundraising project (£17,900), but it also allows you to view all the other cloister painting panels if you click on the 'later stages' tab.

All in a good cause! I do hope you can join us for the historical evening.