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Alumnae Achievements Project

We are hoping to put together a short film recognising the personal and professional achievements of our past students, as an inspiration for current students.

It would involve past students asking a friend to film them on their phone, just saying a single sentence as explained below; and this would then be uploaded to the school.  The resulting short (or perhaps later, longer) video would be shown to our current students but would also be shared on social media, so if you’re not comfortable with that, please don’t send in a clip.

The idea is that everyone’s sentence starts with the same words “I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and ….” but you would each finish the sentence yourselves.  Some possible examples:

  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I'm a construction engineer [filmed in hard hat on site, perhaps] 
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I volunteer at my local food bank once a month [filmed at food bank if possible or in front of shelves of food, but without anyone else in the film] 
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I work in a care home.
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I'm standing for parliament [filmed in Parliament Square perhaps -we wouldn’t be allowed to show a political affiliation] 
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I provide advice to charities on fundraising 
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I’ve climbed x mountain [holding some climbing equipment?]
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I design special effects for films
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I set up my own company doing xyz
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I’ve joined the Royal Air Force
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I now live in Australia and write for the Sydney Herald 
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I’m an actress [or be more specific, I recently played x in the y film or theatre production, wonderful if could be filmed on a set or near a storyboard or by a film camera] 
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I'm an author [filmed holding some books perhaps]
  • I went to Sacred Heart Hammersmith and I'm researching possible new medicines to limit the onset of dementia [filmed in lab] 

Then we would put some together and end it with ‘Students from Sacred Heart Hammersmith can achieve anything they set their minds to.’

An added bonus would be

  • to film in a relevant location; or
  • to film with props that relate to the sentence;
  • to make reference in your sentence to another country if indeed you are working abroad - anything to widen horizons!

Basic filming alignment and uploading instructions have been issued by email to alumnae but if you haven't received that and would like to take part, please email