Studying English can lead anywhere. No doors are closed when you choose to study English.
English is at the centre of the curriculum at Sacred Heart High School. From the beginning of Year 7 till the end of Year 13 our students focus on improving their expertise in written and verbal communication, learn to be analytical and critical readers and develop their knowledge of English prose, poetry and drama through reading and examining a range of literature. All pupils take exams in both English Language and English Literature at GSCE, and we are proud of the consistency excellent results our pupils achieve.
Key Stage 3
In KS3, students learn how to write with increasing accuracy, confidence and complexity over a range of genres, purposes and audiences. This includes fiction and non-fiction, narrative, poetry, analytical essay, argumentative, persuasive, and informative writing. In addition, students learn how to speak for a range of purposes and increasingly challenging contexts.
Students read, explore and interpret a range of significant prose, poetry and drama texts from English literary history, focusing on how meaning is shaped by language, structure, form and context. This is includes a range of drama including two Shakespeare text, poetry from the renaissance onwards, contemporary and classic fiction and quality non-fiction.
Pupils are expected to read for pleasure and library lessons form an important part of the school’s commitment to fostering a love of literature.
You can read more about the Key Stage curriculum here: Key Stage 3 English Curriculum
Key Stage 4
In KS4, students study a combined course in English Language and English Literature for the AQA syllabus. This leads to two separate GCSEs. English Literature leads with a Shakespearian Play and 19th Century Fiction – A Christmas Carol, Frankenstein or Pride and Prejudice. Modern British Literature – An Inspector Calls or Leave Taking and Poetry from the AQA Poems Past and Present Anthology and unseen poetry.
Extra Curricular
The English department offers a range of extracurricular opportunities to pupils of all age and abilities across the school. We have regular theatre trips including the annual Year 7 Hammersmith Lyric Theatre pantomime trip and other visits to many of London’s theatres. We celebrate World Book Day through a week of literature-related activities, including author visits, workshops and competitions. We offer debating clubs, reading groups, homework support and journalism clubs. We also offer public speaking training to Year 10 pupils through the Jack Petchey Speak Out competition. Our school library has a treasure trove of amazing literature and is always a hub of activity in the school.
Key Stage 5 (A-Level English Literature)
You can read more about our English A-Level on the Sixth Form pages, here: here