'Life is a math equation. In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert negatives into positives.' Anonymous
Key Stages 3 & 4
Our curriculum and teaching approach places ‘problem-solving’ at the heart of teaching Mathematics. Conceptual understanding is key. Our lessons focus on small step learning which also encourages deeper understanding. Concepts are not rushed but instead focus on ensuring clear understanding and building upon this. Students must be able to use proper mathematical language and terminology as well as speak and write in full sentences.
Additional maths is provided for those who need it as part of our GCSE curriculum offer. You can read more about our Key Stage 3 curriculum here: Key Stage 3 Curriculum Maths
Developing independent thinking skills.
We aspire for all our students to be able to work on their concepts actively and independently and not just expect to follow step-by-step procedures and learn passively. The students apply skills these in the six different topics areas that are taught throughout KS3 and KS4 which are:
Number | Geometry | Statistics |
Algebra | Ration & Proportion | Probability |
The exam board for GCSE is Edexcel.
Key Stage 5 (A-Level Mathematics & A-Level Further Mathematics)
A-Levels in both mathematics and Further mathematics provide opportunities to deepen understanding of both pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. This includes the study of calculus, statistics and decision maths. You can read more about our Mathematics A-Levels on our Sixth Form pages here: Mathematics A-Level and Further Mathematics A-Level