Results, Performance & Testamonials
Our school is unique. We teach and care for the girls in equal measure. We are not, and refuse to be, an exam factory. We provide excellent education, enrichment and pastoral support, a combination that ensures our students leave school with a sense of their own giftedness and achievement, equipped to face the future.
Exam results, are not and should not be the whole story, however this commitment to the personal development and education of each and every student in our care is the reason our pupils are progressing so well.
Sacred Heart High School Hammersmith (SHHS) is rated ‘Outstanding’ and ‘Exceptional’ by Ofsted, the latter rating awarded to just a handful of schools in the country.
Exam results remain provisional while we await the outcome of appeals, etc. The Department for Education normally confirms results annually in October.
Attainment 8 | 62.5% |
Grades 9-4 in English | 95.4% |
Grades 9-4 in Maths | 88.8% |
5+ passes including English & Maths | 76.3% |
% of GCSE results achieving Grades 7-9 | 49.2% |
9-7 in both English & Maths | 31% |
% students entered for Ebacc | 91% |
Ebacc average point score | 7.9 |
We are very proud this year of these fantastic GCSE results, which demonstrate significant continued improvement. Almost 50% of all our grades were at Grade 7-9. This is up 12% since last year. 81% of all grades were at Grade 5 or above - an increase of 13% on last year. Nearly two thirds of students achieved a Grade 6 or above in both English and Maths, and 77% achieved a Grade 5 or above in both subjects -an increase of 10% since last year.
These results are a testament to the hard work of our students. We thank our staff for their commitment and dedication.
PROVISIONAL A-Level & BTEC Results 2024
A* - A | 24% |
A* - B | 58% |
A* -C | 87% |
BTEC Diploma Average Grade | Distinction/Distinction |
Students sat about chatting and laughing in the cloister garden on results day 2024 as they realised that the next phase of their lives was about to begin.
They will be starting a range of different courses, many at Russell Group universities, including Philosophy, Literature and Classical Studies at Warwick University; Classics and English at Wadham College, Oxford; Medicine at Imperial College, London; Drama at the University of York, Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Queen Mary’s, London.
One student is taking a gap year to work here as a science technician before applying for Veterinary Medicine.
The results were impressive:
- A quarter of all results were at grades A* and A, with well over half of all results at grade B or better. Nearly 90% of all results were at grade C or better.
- In four subjects – Art, Drama, French and Spanish – every student achieved a grade B or better
- In Chemistry, 88% achieved A*-B . In Applied Science BTEC no student attained a grade below Distinction.
- Overall, 10% of students achieved straight A* and A grades, with two individuals achieving 4 A* to A grades.
Testimonials from our 2023-24 Year 13 students