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Volunteer here!

Sacred Heart High School has a lively, enthusiastic PTFA, but we always need more input!  Time is precious, and we are all busy; however, this is an excellent way to give something back and support our school, the staff, and your daughter(s).  It is also a great way to get to know the school community, parents, and teachers alike.

We are looking for members committed to helping the PTFA with pre-loved uniform sales, cake sales, events organisation and leading fundraising activity. We would like to have representatives for every year group, whose responsibilities will include organising volunteers and coordination of help at PTFA events, such as Auction Night, Summer and Christmas Fairs.

If you would like to find out more about the PTFA, please contact us at or why not come to our next PTFA meeting…

How can you get involved?
  • Donate your time: Help with events such as Auction Night, Christmas and Summer Fairs, PreLoved Uniform Sales, cake sales. Come to the PTFA meetings and share your experiences, skills and enthusiasm. We really can’t achieve what we do without the behind the scenes help that we receive from you.
  • Shopping Partners: A percentage of what you spend shopping at Amazon or via Easy Fundraising goes directly to our school at no extra cost to you (please see the specific section dedicated to this fundraising scheme for more details).
  • Direct voluntary contributions: We welcome voluntary direct debit donations from parents or an individual one-off payment. As the PTFA is a registered charity, donating attracts Gift Aid and, for higher rate taxpayers, additional sums can be reclaimed on self assessment tax returns and a receipt can be provided for your tax return.  Bank details for donations and the Gift Aid form can be found though this link.
  • Be a Year Rep: Every year parents can volunteer to be representatives for their year group. If you'd like to be one, get in touch with us!